Tips dan Trik Menghadapi Ujian S3

Seminggu yang lalu, tepatnya tanggal 9 Juli 2021 pukul 16:00 WIB, saya mempertahankan tesis S3 saya di the University of Manchester. Selama 1,5 jam saya menjawab 15 pertanyaan dari satu penguji eksternal (dari salah satu universitas di Inggris, di luar universitas saya) dan satu penguji internal, dengan ditemani oleh dua pembimbing saya (yang cuma menonton saja karena tidak boleh membantu saya menjawab sama sekali).

Kali ini saya mau berbagi proses saya mempersiapkan diri dan menjalani ujian S3, eh, siapa tahu di kalangan pembaca blog saya ada yang butuh, ya kan?

Proses ujian adalah proses yang penting dalam struktur program S3 di Manchester Institute of Education karena kelulusan dari program tidak hanya ditentukan oleh kualitas tesis tertulis tetapi juga apakah si kandidat doktor bisa mempertahankan apa yang ia tulis di tesis. Sehingga, meskipun telah berproses selama 3-4,5 tahun meneliti dan menulis, bisa saja si kandidat dinyatakan tidak lulus karena jawaban dalam ujian (atau istilah kami ‘viva’) tidak memuaskan para penguji. Tiap universitas tentu beda kebijakan soal viva, karena ada misalnya seorang teman yang viva-nya semacam perayaan saja setelah selesai proses menulis selama beberapa tahun (sungguh membuat saya iri!).

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Day 24: Share something you struggle with

[Day 24th of 30 day writing challenge]

I’m two days behind in my writing challenge. Oh well, no excuse, but so many things have come up in the past week. Which comes to what I’m going to share, something that I struggle with.

Of course, my PhD life is a struggle. It’s been more than four years now. I just received an email from the office back home, asking when I’m going to finish this PhD because they will make plans. Oh well, I’m itching to go back to my old job, teaching is always a pleasure and the additional work with various responsibilities is something that I’m looking forward, but I have to finish this PhD first, haven’t I?

Continue reading “Day 24: Share something you struggle with”

Day 18: Plans/dreams/goals I Have

[Day 18th of 30 day writing challenge]

I like today’s prompt question, because this is pretty simple to answer.

Continue reading “Day 18: Plans/dreams/goals I Have”

Day 17: What Makes you Feel Engaged and Focused?

[Day 17th of 30 day writing challenge]

My research topic

As a person who is easily distracted, I found this question to be challenging. Oh well, each prompt question that I selected randomly for the 30 day writing challenge has been challenging. They required me to reflect on my practices, and even critique my ways that were far from perfect.

But alright, diving down to the prompt, the biggest factor in my engagement and focus in anything is always a genuine interest on what I’m doing, be it writing, reading, discussing, etc. If I am interested in what I’m doing, I will definitely be engaged and focused.

Continue reading “Day 17: What Makes you Feel Engaged and Focused?”

Day 16: What Keeps You at Night?

[Day 16th of 30 day writing challenge]

Well this question is no brainer. These days it will be my PhD thesis. Oh boy, is this blog post going to be another complaint? I’m afraid so.

I used to work really well in the evenings. I went to my office in the afternoon, spent the late afternoon socializing with my office mates or the janitors, started working 8 or 9 PM up to 1 or 2 AM, and then took a bus home. I would go to bed quite tired, but easily because I made a progress in my work.

The pandemic changed that.

Continue reading “Day 16: What Keeps You at Night?”