Day 12: How You Found Out About Blogger and Why You Made One?

[Day 12th 30 day writing challenge]

I’m getting into the twelfth day with a bit of annoyance of myself, because I’m getting lazier in writing a post, especially because I feel that most of the questions for the challenge is something that I wrote before in my blog.

The topic for today is one of those cases. I’ve written the Indonesian version of this post sometime ago here. Jadi kalau Anda ingin membacanya, bisa klik di sini. So in my defense, in addition to having a deadline tomorrow and since I’ve written it, I’m just going to translate my old post. Fair enough?

OK, the first time I learned about blogging is a long time ago, in 2002. At that year I was planning to study Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) for my Master degree, and I was looking for references in the field to write an essay applying for Fulbright scholarship. The earliest reference about blog that I found was from O’Reilly in 2001 on Web 2.0. (you can read the history here). Blogging started to develop in 2003 with some free blogging services such as, which was then suggested by Graham Davies as one of the learning tools in CALL field.

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